Chat with furniture restorer and dealer Svetozar Djukicin, Serbia
Chat with furniture restoration expert Svetozar Djukicin
Set up by Svetozar Djukicin in 2007, ArtCore Studio is a company is restoring and trading with “old” furniture. We talked to Svetozar about the challenges and rewards of the industry and why he chose this unusual career.
How it all started?
In 2007 i got a new apartment which, naturally, had to be furnished. I decided on modern furniture buy just right before i confirmed my order i went to flea market and got 2 night stands in the style of Louis XV and I cancelled the order. The rest is history.

Tell us more about your background??
I don’t have any formal education in the field of restoration and conservation, but the passion that governed me profiled me into professional. I’d also like to add that its not just a phrase when someone says “if you like what you do you’ll never work a day in your life”, its a general truth. Although i have a degree in the field of entrepreneurial management I can not see me anymore working full time job closed in an office.

What is your favorite style ?
I personally like neoclassical the most, Vienna Biedermeier and empire style of furniture and decorative objects. My recent philosophy is raising awareness on eco problems and consumerism. I like to add to my posts on social networks a sentence – no tree was harmed in this project, hashtag #savetheplanet. Bidermeier fascinates me the most. The easiest way to understand Biedermeier’s philosophy is that in a way it was a early xix century Ikea. It was the first style which bourgeoisie invented for bourgeoisie. The furniture was plain and simple, and decor was wood itself. Root of walnut, birch, cherry and maple was a natural choice. Today, Biedermeier pieces of furniture from the early xix century are most desired ones among collectors

How do you choose what to upcycle/recycle?
If I was to choose, I would save and upcycle any piece of furniture. A lot of clients have one same question – is it saveable. Every single piece is saveable, or if in incredibly poor condition it could be use as spare elements for another piece of furniture. Our philosophy is fight against consumerism. Save the furniture and save the planet.

Your personal favorite (piece of furniture) at home
I am a collector of antique furniture and decorative objects. My favorite piece is actually a salon suite in the style of late Biedermeier, comprises of 2 armchairs, 2 chairs, table and sofa, executed in walnut and cherry.
Inspiration (what inspire you?
Any piece of furniture which is masterly done gives me an inspiration, no matter if it is a sofa from Danhauser company (famous biedermeier craftsman) or Carl Fagerlund chandelier or a commode done by Andre Charles Boulle.

Tips and advices when buying redesigned furniture?
The best advice I can give is buy a real deal. I’d rather have one statement designers or historically valuable piece than numerous average ones. Also be bold and courageous, combine mid-century with french provincial or any royal style.
More about Svetozar on his Instagram account.